• 17 апреля 2019, среда
  • Санкт-Петербург, Наб. Реки Фонтанки, 20 Голицын Холл в Голицын Лофте 20, Fontanka River Emb. Golitsyn Hall in Golitsyn Loft

Open Lecture: THE FAILED PARTNERSHIP: “HOT POTATOES” IN EU-RUSSIA RELATIONS (in English) by Prof. Nikita Lomagin

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2103 дня назад
17 апреля 2019 c 18:30 до 20:00
Наб. Реки Фонтанки, 20 Голицын Холл в Голицын Лофте 20, Fontanka River Emb. Golitsyn Hall in Golitsyn Loft

European University at St. Petersburg launches the IMARES Month of Global Affairs in April 2019. International students, young professionals, and expats are welcome to join a series of open lectures on Russia’s foreign and domestic affairs: for three consequent Wednesdays at 18:30 during the month of April, our speakers will deliver interactive lectures about relations between Russia, the USA, and Europe. Foreign affairs and domestic politics may often be mutually influential. Therefore, our lecturers will also talk on matters such as nationalism and the perceptions of Self vs. the Other.


The lecture aims to explain the reasons why the huge potential for mutually beneficial EU-Russia cooperation in different issue areas did not result in building a true partnership. Moreover, the conflict over Ukraine brought the relationship to a historic nadir. What can be done to overcome the ongoing crises and diplomatic stagnation?

Professor Nikita Lomagin is one of top experts in Russian Foreign policy and International Relations.


European University at St. Petersburg launches the IMARES Month of Global Affairs series of open lectures in April 2019.

International students, young professionals, and expats are welcome to join a series of open lectures on Russia’s foreign and domestic affairs: for three consequent Wednesdays at 18:30 during the month of April, our speakers will deliver interactive lectures about relations between Russia, the USA, and Europe. Foreign affairs and domestic politics may often be mutually influential. Therefore, our lecturers will also talk on matters such as nationalism and the perceptions of Self vs. the Other.

The open lectures will take place in the city center. We will gather again at the trendiest and coolest places in town, just as we did during our ENERPO Month of Energy in March.

Please register for each lecture you plan to attend. By attending at least 2 lectures, you will receive a special Certificate. The working language is English

Contact and questions: avetikyan@eu.spb.ru & International@eu.spb.ru


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