• 20 марта 2019, среда
  • Санкт-Петербург, 7 Kazanskaya street Freedom space, 2nd Floor

Open Lecture: The role of natural gas in decarbonization (in English) by Prof. I.Mironova

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2181 день назад
20 марта 2019 c 18:30 до 20:00
7 Kazanskaya street Freedom space, 2nd Floor

During the month of March 2019, the ENERPO Research Center at the European University of St. Petersburg organizes a Series of Open Lectures — "THE MONTH OF ENERGY". On Wednesday 20th, we will discuss the "role of natural gas in decarbonization".


The energy transition has globally become a priority, especially in Europe where the debate has been focusing on the decarbonization of the energy sector. The lecture will discuss how gas is considered as “the future” of a decarbonized energy sector, what are the economic and political implications for Russia, Europe, Asia and the private sector. Irina Mironova, Associate Researcher at the ENERPO Research Center, EUSP.



In March 2019, the ENERPO Research Center on energy policy from the European University at St. Petersburg launches “the Month of Energy”!

International students and young professionals (but not only!) are welcome to join a series of open lectures on the theme of Energies in Russia: each Wednesday during the month of March, a key speaker will give you an interactive lecture and tell more about energy politics in Russia and Eurasia. Since climate takes growing importance in our everyday lives, we decided to dedicate two lectures to the issues of sustainable development in Russia, renewable energy and green economy. You would be surprised to learn how much potential there is in the country, and to realize how political this topic can be!   

Special plus: Energy is a fun and trendy topic, and because we want these lectures to be as interesting as possible, after each lecture there will be time for discussion and networking. Our (very nice) team will be present and ready to chat with you or answer your questions relative to the content of the lectures, the school, ect. Snacks will also be waiting for you!

Place of the lecture: to be announced. 


Please register online for EACH lecture you plan to attend. 

By attending at the minimum 2 lectures, you will receive a CERTIFICATE of “Participation in the interactive course: current challenges of Russian energy politics”. 


Additional information:

  • The ENERPO MA program in Energy Politics in Eurasia is the only Master’s degree program in Russia specifically on the energy affairs in Russia, the post-Soviet space and the Middle East.
  • The ENERPO Research Center provides a balanced analysis of the energy challenges faced by governments and companies worldwide, with a specific focus on Russia’s role in the global energy market. Lately, the centre has undergone a change in orientation and focuses on energy and climate policy.


Contact and questions: vdabal@eu.spb.ru & International@eu.spb.ru


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