Seminar: Foreign Policy of Russia and Japan under the New International Circumstances

We invite everybody interested in International Relations to take part in the discussion on Foreign Policies of Russia, the US, China and the role of Japanese Diplomacy (including Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP)) under the New International Circumstances including the Advent of New Administration in the US. The discussion is organized by European University at St. Petersburg (EUSP) under the auspices of Consulate General of Japan in St. Petersburg.

Наука 16+

EUSP Online Workshop: Foreign Policy of Russia and Japan under the New International Circumstances

March 10, 2021

10:00-12:00 (MSK)/16:00-18:00 (JSK)

Language: English

We invite everybody interested in International Relations to take part in the discussion on Foreign Policies of Russia, the US, China, and the role of Japanese Diplomacy (including Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP)) under the New International Circumstances including the Advent of New Administration in the US. The discussion is organized by European University at St. Petersburg (EUSP) under the auspices of Consulate General of Japan in St. Petersburg.


Prospects for Russia-US Relations under Biden Administration, Dr. Ivan KURILLA (EUSP)

Prospects for Russia-China Relations and Russian Foreign Policy towards the CIS countries, Dr. Nikita LOMAGIN (EUSP)

Prospects for Relations between Russia and the European Union, Dr. Tatiana  ROMANOVA (Petersburg State University, EUSP)

Prospects for Japan-US Relations under Biden Administration and Japan-China Relations (including Russia-China Relations), Dr. Akio TAKAHARA (University of Tokyo)

Prospects for Relations with Other Great Powers (including India, FOIP), Prof. Chiharu TAKENAKA (Rikkyo University)


Dr. Gevorg Avetikyan (EUSP)


1460 дней назад
10 марта 2021 10:00–12:00

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