Open Lecture: Use of History in Russian Politics (in English) by Prof. Ivan Kurilla

European University at St. Petersburg (EUSP) invites international students, young professionals, and expats in St. Petersburg to join a new series of open lectures in English on Russia’s Past and Present. We meet every Wednesday at 18.30.

Наука 16+


The politicization of history and the use of the past in contemporary debates is nothing new. In recent decades, however, this process has grown particularly intense. Russia is perhaps one of the most acute cases of the battle over memory and memory culture. The first period of the past that the Russian state decided to control was World War II. Recently, people and organizations dealing with the memory of political repressions and working with the traumatic memory of Russia’s mid-20th century have become targets of state pressure, simultaneously with the new round of international “Memory Wars” between Russia and the West, especially, Poland.

Those two trends are interconnected, as Professor Ivan Kurilla will demonstrate in his lecture on February 19, 2020.


EUSP Series of open lectures "Russia: Past and Present"

For six consequent Wednesdays in February and March 2020, EUSP professors and experts will deliver lectures on Russian history, foreign policy, energy politics, and global affairs.

Each lecture will be followed by a short discussion. There will also be some time for networking. Free snacks and tea/coffee will be offered at the lecture venue.

Please register for each lecture you plan to attend. By attending at least 3 lectures, you will receive a special Certificate of participation in the "Russia: Past and Present" series of open lectures organized by EUSP.

Contact and questions:


1845 дней назад
19 февраля 2020 18:30–20:00

Казанская ул., д.7 FREEDOM Space 7, Kazanskaya street (2nd floor)
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